Team Approach at Lake Baldwin Dental
Dr. William Dunn and Dr. Jared Nestle utilize a team approach in treating patients at Lake Baldwin Dental. Each of the dentists at Lake Baldwin Dental assist in patient care and depending on the level of treatment, a patient may be treated by one or both doctors.
Working as a team, Dr. Dunn and Dr. Nestle can insure that their patients receive the best dental care available in Central Florida. At Lake Baldwin Dental, we believe that your dental health needs to be treated by a team of educated professionals with varied specialties and expertise.
This approach allows us to provide quality dental care while offering a broad scope of services to our clients.

Meet Our Orlando Dentists!
Dr. William Dunn and Dr. Jared Nestle have created an Orlando dental practice that services both the cosmetic and family dental needs of their patients in a comfortable, stress-free atmosphere.