Insights from Lake Baldwin Dental in Orlando

Happy Birthday, LBD!

                Time passes so fast! It seems like just last week we celebrated Lake Baldwin Dental’s tenth anniversary

Spicy Food and Oral Health

                As a kid, it never made sense to me: why do people eat spicy food when it’s

The Skinny on Toothpaste

                We all do it at some point: stand far too long, staring glassy-eyed at the seemingly endless

Team Member Spotlight: Allison

                In the final installment of our Team Member Spotlight series, we acknowledge Allison, who has been Dr.

Team Member Spotlight: Meghan

                Our Team Member Spotlight shines again! After three years with our practice, Meghan is no stranger to

Team Member Spotlight: Trina

Congratulations on five great years at Lake Baldwin Dental to one of our most valuable team mates, Trina! She has been looking forward to her