Smile Makeover Before and After!

Sometimes oral health problems that affect the look of your smile can sneak up on you. A filling here, a crown there, and suddenly your smile looks uneven, mismatched, and dingy.

Even the best fillings and crowns have a limited lifespan. As they age, they may become discolored or their edges may wash out, leaving you with a smile you’d rather hide.

Today, we’re proud to share a smile makeover before and after! Our patient wanted to give his smile a new lease on life with cosmetic dentistry while rebuilding a fully functional bite. Let’s take a look at his transformation!

smile makeover before and after

Why Did Our Patient Want a Smile Makeover?

Our patient came to us feeling dissatisfied with his smile. He had completed dental implant surgery and was ready to add a crown to complete replacing his tooth, but wanted to know what else we could do to improve the look of his smile.

He’d previously had a dental bridge placed, which added a crown to the middle tooth and canine tooth on his right (left side of the photo) with a false tooth between them. However, the crowns no longer blended in with his smile, and the false tooth was too small, making his smile look uneven.

He also had gum recession, chipped teeth, and irritated gums, all of which affected the look of his smile.

With his 50th birthday coming up, he was looking for a fresh start so he could smile with confidence while celebrating with friends and loved ones. Our team at Lake Baldwin Dental was up to the challenge!

smile makeover before and after smile makeover before and after

Our Comprehensive Plan

We take a comprehensive approach to smile makeovers in Orlando, FL. With the flexibility to combine cosmetic dentistry treatments like porcelain veneers with restorative options that improve your dental health, we create completely custom smile designs to suit each person’s unique appearance.

For this patient, we had several issues to address. Our smile design needed to:

  • Replace missing teeth
  • Create symmetry
  • Alter the contours of the gums so the teeth looked balanced
  • Brighten the teeth and create a uniform shade
  • Rebuild enamel lost to chipping and wear

This might seem like a tall order, but we worked with our highly skilled dental laboratory technician to create customized restorations that look and feel completely natural for our patient.

The first step was professional teeth whitening with ZOOM! Although we planned to restore most of the top teeth, our patient’s bottom teeth did not need restorations. But we wanted the top and bottom arches to match!

After teeth whitening, we used cutting-edge 3D scanning technology to create a high-fidelity computer model of his teeth and gums. From there, we created a digital smile design with consideration for his smile shape, lip line, skin tone, facial features, and many other factors.

Our lab technician fabricated a new bridge, crowns, and porcelain veneers to fit perfectly together and fully rejuvenate our patient’s smile.

smile makeover before and aftersmile makeover before and after

Celebrating with a Balanced, Beautiful New Smile!

These custom-crafted restorations are crafted from the highest quality ceramics. Whenever possible, we use all-ceramic crowns and veneers, which look and feel more like natural enamel than traditional crowns with a metal base. All-ceramic restorations also prevent the “dark line” along the gums and ensure lasting beauty.

So, how did it turn out?

smile makeover before and after

As you can see, our patient’s renewed smile is balanced, harmonious, and bright. These restorations are also more biocompatible than his old ones, which has helped to resolve his irritated and inflamed gums and further improve the health and look of his smile.

We’re happy to report that he enjoyed a cruise for his 50th birthday and fully enjoyed sharing his brilliant new smile on the trip!

Are You Ready to Start Loving Your Smile?

Loving the look of your smile can completely change how you greet the world. If you wish you could get the kind of results you’ve seen here, call us! We can get you set up with a consultation for cosmetic dentistry in Baldwin Park, FL so you can start speaking and smiling with confidence.

We’ll always give your smile the focused, personalized attention it deserves. We never take a one-size-fits-all approach to smile makeovers, so you know you’ll get a result that looks natural and lasts years to come. Let us help you feel proud to keep smiling, Orlando!