How to Overcome Dental Anxiety: A Complete Guide

Does the thought of seeing a dentist make you want to hide under your bed? Have you put off dental care or cancelled appointments because you felt overwhelmed or ashamed of your oral health?

You’re not alone.

It’s estimated that anywhere from 50-80% of adults in the US have some degree of dental anxiety. Even if you usually feel very comfortable at routine cleanings and check-ups, you might feel hesitant getting other types of treatment. For many people, however, dental fear can be so severe that getting the care you need feels impossible.

Understanding dental anxiety and coming up with strategies that will work for you can completely change how you experience dentistry and your oral health. Most importantly, finding the right dental team could help you take back control of your oral health.

First, let’s look at why you might have dental fears and how dental phobia can affect your health.

Where Does Dental Anxiety Come From?

Dental fears are incredibly personal, and no two people experience them the same way. However, in general, there are two root causes for dental fears.

  1. Bad experiences in your own past, such as feeling overwhelmed or scared at the dental office as a child.
  2. Hearing about other people’s bad experiences, which can lead you to expect something similar to happen when you visit the dentist.

Regardless of how your fears started, there are several different types of anxiety triggers that could make you feel uncomfortable or uneasy.

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Dental fears are unique from person to person, but our team is here to help you through them!

Common Dental Anxiety Triggers

Depending on what you’re specifically afraid of, the Lake Baldwin Dental team will tailor our approach to help you feel relaxed and confident at every appointment.

However, we always maintain a few specific protocols that make our dental office a more comfortable place for everyone, and reduce some of the most common triggers, such as:

  • Fear of pain
  • Fear of needles
  • Discomfort being physically close to other people
  • Claustrophobia
  • Problems feeling comfortable lying on your back
  • Smells, tastes, or sounds associated with dental procedures
  • Seeing dental instruments on a tray

For example, we keep our instruments covered when you come into the room and offer plenty of distraction methods. (More on that in the next section!)

Before we dig into our anxiety reduction strategies, let’s explore why it’s so important to find the right methods to overcome your anxiety and feel comfortable at the dentist.

How Can Dental Anxiety Affect Your Health?

Dental anxiety can be a major roadblock to enjoying good oral health. When the thought of dental care is overwhelming, it’s hard to stay on track with regular cleanings and dental check-ups. Not to mention how impossible it can feel to actually complete needed treatments.

But putting off dental visits means that any developing issues have time to progress. The longer gum disease, cavities, or other problems go untreated, the more expensive and invasive your treatment needs will become. Dental health problems can even affect your overall health and cause serious infections.

Ironically, the best way to avoid more intimidating treatment needs is to stay on top of regular visits and take care of issues as early as possible.

If dental fears have kept you from getting the care you need, we will do what it takes to help you overcome them. Many people come to us after years of avoiding dental care because of anxiety or phobias, and we want you to know that it’s never too late.

We have helped hundreds of patients overcome even severe phobias and take back control of their oral health with a range of effective strategies.

Strategies to Manage Dental Anxiety

At Lake Baldwin Dental, we’re committed to helping you enjoy a better quality of life through better oral health. We also understand how hard it can be to overcome dental phobias, fears, and anxiety and feel confident getting the care you need. Especially if it’s been a long time since you last saw a dentist.

We specialize in helping people overcome dental anxiety, and we’ve developed a laundry list of strategies to make that happen. Here are a few ideas!

1. Open Communication

The first step in overcoming anxiety is to help us understand your dental history and triggers. When you meet our team for the first time, we’ll take time to talk to you sitting up, face to face, so you can talk comfortably. We’ll also fully explain what we’re doing and what to expect so there are no surprises.

We can set up signals so you can let us know you need a break, even when you can’t talk. Holding up a hand or tapping your leg often work well.

Even if you’ve been with us for a while, never hesitate to let us know if you’re worried about any part of your care. We’re always happy to work with you to figure out the best approach.

2. Sedation Dentistry

We’re proud to provide safe and effective sedation dentistry in Orlando, FL, and reliable pain control options at every visit. We offer nitrous oxide gas, which is great for quick, routine visits like dental cleanings.

Oral conscious sedation is a great option for longer, more complex treatments. If you’ve ever wished you could take a pill and forget you were ever at the dentist, this might be the perfect match for you.

3. Technology for Painless Dentistry

Beyond helping you relax, we also use state-of-the-art technology that eliminates many anxiety triggers.

For people who hate the dental drill, Solea might be your new best friend. This cutting-edge laser allows us to provide many treatments completely drill-free. Best of all, there is often no need for numbing, meaning you won’t have to worry about needles!

However, Solea isn’t right for every treatment, and we have other techniques for painless dentistry even if you need a traditional approach.

If you’re scared of needles, we can offer the Dental Vibe, a device that vibrates the tissue at the sight of a local dental anesthesia injection (numbing injection). The vibration distracts the nerves so that they can’t send pain signals. It’s a quick and easy way to significantly decrease or even completely eliminate the discomfort of an injection.

4. Relaxation Techniques and Distractions

Many people find it helpful to practice meditation and mindfulness exercises in advance of a dental visit. Breathing techniques can also be very effective.

Feel free to bring headphones and music, meditation tracks, or other distractions.

If you don’t have your own, we have noise cancelling headphones and televisions in every treatment room. We can also give you stress balls to squeeze, which can be very helpful. Plus, our tranquil and soothing dental office in Orlando will help you feel like you’re at a spa day.

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Practice calming techniques like meditation before your appointment, and feel free to bring your headphones!

5. Gradual Exposure and Support

The most important thing you can do to permanently overcome your dental fears is to start building up positive experiences. We’re more than happy to work with you to build a treatment plan that’s manageable for your anxiety level so that you can start releasing your anxiety.

We also welcome you to bring a friend or loved one to accompany you. Whenever possible, we’ll pull up an extra chair so they can sit with you through visits.

One of the most rewarding parts of being part of the LBD team is seeing the relief and improved mental and physical health our patients can enjoy when they realize they no longer dread dental visits.

How to Prepare for a Dental Visit Without Anxiety

Getting ready for a dental visit can be nerve-wracking, but a little preparation can help ease your anxiety. Here are some tips to make your visit as stress-free as possible.

Before the Appointment

First, try to schedule your appointment at a time when you’re least likely to feel rushed or stressed. For many people, morning appointments work best because they get it out of the way before the day gets too busy.

It’s also a good idea to write down any questions or concerns you have before your appointment. This way, you won’t forget anything when you’re in the chair. Knowing what to expect can help you feel more in control and less anxious.

During the Appointment

It’s okay to feel nervous, and it’s okay to ask for what you need. If you start to feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to ask us for a short break using those signals we set up earlier. This is where those distractions and breathing techniques will come in handy.

Building a Positive Relationship with Your Dentist

Finding the right dentist can make a big difference when it comes to managing dental anxiety. You want someone who understands your fears and helps you feel comfortable.

Choosing the Right Dentist

It’s important to choose a dentist who is kind, patient, and willing to listen. At LBD, our team will always take the time to explain procedures, answer your questions, and make sure you’re comfortable every step of the way.

Dr. Dunn and Dr. Nestle both have a philosophy of care that puts your comfort first at all times. We also work with several specialists with the same dedication to your comfort, so when necessary we can connect you with dental specialists who will help you feel as relaxed and comfortable as you do with us.

Regular Visits

Remember, the more you visit the dentist, the more familiar and comfortable it will become. Regular visits help you build a relationship with your dentist, hygienist, and dental assistant, and as those relationships grow, your anxiety is likely to decrease.

Long-Term Benefits of Overcoming Dental Anxiety

Overcoming dental anxiety isn’t just about getting through one appointment. It’s about improving your oral health and overall well-being for the long term.

Improved Oral Health

When you visit the dentist regularly, you’re more likely to catch and treat issues early, before they become big problems. This means fewer cavities, healthier gums, and a brighter smile. Regular dental care also helps prevent serious conditions like gum disease, which can affect not just your mouth but your overall health.

Increased Confidence

As you start to overcome your dental anxiety, you’ll likely notice an increase in your confidence, both in and out of the dentist’s office. You’ll feel proud of yourself for facing your fears, and that sense of accomplishment can carry over into other areas of your life. Plus, a healthy, beautiful smile can boost your self-esteem and make you feel more confident in social situations and professional settings.

overcome dental anxiety
Overcoming dental anxiety can help you take back control of your oral health and feel great about your smile again!

Our Team and Lake Baldwin Dental Can Help You Overcome Your Fears

We understand that even picking up the phone to schedule that first visit can be hard. Our concierge team is here for you with the same mission as everyone on our team: helping you get the care you need so you can smile with confidence.

To make your first visit as easy as possible, our new patient forms are available here. You can fill them out in advance and take one item off the list of things to worry about.

When you’re setting up your appointment, please feel free to talk to our team about your anxiety issues. If there is anything we can do to help you feel more comfortable, tell us! We can make sure there’s an extra chair for your support person, keep the shades open so you have a view outside, and remove or cover items that may trigger your anxiety.

We’re also happy to schedule a simple consultation before your new patient appointment. Let us know if you’d rather meet Dr. Dunn or Dr. Nestle for the first time in the consultation room rather than a treatment room. That way, you can get to know us in a lower-stress environment and work your way gradually toward a great treatment experience.

Your health is important. You deserve a smile you feel confident sharing. You deserve teeth that don’t hurt when you eat your favorite foods.

We will do what it takes to help you take back control of your oral health and say goodbye to dental phobias for good. Call us to schedule your consultation for fear-free, painless dentistry so you can keep smiling, Orlando!