How to Budget for the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

It’s hard to put a price tag on your confidence. Chipped, worn, discolored, and damaged teeth can make you want to hide your smile from the world. But holding back when you laugh or smile can make others think you’re shy or too serious. Smile zone flaws can make it hard to speak confidently in professional settings and affect your career.

Our expert cosmetic dentists in Baldwin Park, FL can restore your smile’s natural beauty so you can live life to the fullest again. However, you may wonder if the average cost of cosmetic dentistry is worth it.

Here are a few things you should know about how much a smile makeover costs, and how the Lake Baldwin Dental team can help you achieve your smile goals with affordable cosmetic dentistry near you.

Understanding the Value of Cosmetic Dentistry

A smile makeover is a comprehensive approach that combines the science of dentistry with aesthetic artistry. At LBD, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to any treatment, so your smile makeover will be tailored to your individual needs and smile goals.

However, the goal is always the same: to improve the size, shape, proportions, and shade of one or more teeth so you can enjoy a harmonious, symmetrical, beautiful smile.

If your treatment plan includes restorations like crowns or veneers, our team will work closely with expert lab technicians to custom craft each tooth so that it matches your facial features, smile shape, gum contours, skin tone, and many other considerations to create a completely natural look.

While you may think cosmetic dentistry costs more than it’s worth, it’s important to consider how a rejuvenated smile could change your day-to-day life. Imagine speaking with poise at your job, smiling proudly in photos with loved ones, and letting your sense of humor shine without hesitation.

It’s also worth noting that, strictly speaking, cosmetic dentistry treatments only improve the look of your smile. However, our comprehensive approach gives us the flexibility to improve your oral health with certain treatments that will also improve your smile aesthetics, adding significant value to your smile makeover.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

Since no two smiles are alike, the cost of a smile makeover will be different from person to person. However, there are a few factors that will affect how much your smile design costs.

1. Types of Treatments You Need

For some people, teeth whitening may be all it takes to refresh your smile. For others, you may need a more in-depth approach including surgical treatments like dental implants.

cost of cosmetic dentistry infographic

2. What Materials Your Cosmetic Dentist Will Use

There are many different dental materials we can use to improve the look of your smile. Each one has its own pros and cons, including expense.

Aesthetic dental materials include:

  • Zirconia: A full ceramic material with unbeatable looks that closely mimic natural enamel.
  • eMax: A highly durable type of ceramic with beautiful, natural looks.
  • Porcelain: Can be fused to a metal base for a less expensive option than a full ceramic crown, although its shine and transparency can’t compare to more expensive options.
  • Composite resin: A very affordable material that’s used for tooth-colored fillings. We can also use it to build up undersized teeth and create “chairside veneers,” which are a good temporary solution while you’re considering permanent porcelain veneers.

At LBD, we’re committed to giving you the best possible outcome and lasting results. We’ll fully explain what to expect from each of the potential options that’s right for your needs so you can make an informed decision about your care.

3. Other Things That Affect How Much Cosmetic Dentistry Costs

  1. Your cosmetic dentist’s experience and track record. When you’re trusting someone with the look of your smile, it’s worth seeking someone with expertise and a proven track record.If you’re looking for multiple cosmetic dentistry consultations and estimates, be sure the dentist can show you a catalog of their previous work to give you an idea of their unique style and what kind of results you can expect.
  2. How complex your case is. The expense of the same treatment may be different from one person to another depending on the difficulty and complexity of creating your treatment, which is why dental fees are often given in a range rather than with a specific price. For example, orthodontics may cost anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000.Bite issues, oral health difficulties, and your smile goals will all affect how simple or complex (and therefore how expensive) your cosmetic dentistry treatments will be.
  3. Geographic location of the dental office. Dental offices in dense urban areas like Miami frequently have much higher overhead than practices outside metro areas, so their prices may be higher.However, each practice’s relative fees will also depend on how advanced and how comprehensive their care is. For example, state-of-the-art technology may eliminate extra costs while improving the precision of your treatments.

cost of cosmetic dentistry

How Should You Budget for a Smile Makeover in Orlando, FL?

With all those different variables at play, it may seem hard to prepare financially for your cosmetic dentistry treatment. Here are a few ways you can prepare to have your smile renewed.

First, take a close look at your smile. What flaws bother you the most? What goals do you have for your smile? Do you have other oral health issues that need more attention than a purely cosmetic fix?

Second, get a cosmetic dentistry consultation. The only way to know for sure what types of treatments your smile needs is to see a cosmetic dentist for an evaluation. While you’re there, don’t forget to ask about before and after photos of their previous work! It also can’t hurt to look at Google reviews to get an idea of how patients feel about their care.

Finally, ask your dentist if it’s possible to break your treatment up into phases. While it’s not always recommended, your dentist may be able to stage your procedures and spread them out over time, which can make it easier to pay for them little by little.

Try to prioritize treatments that will improve your oral health over purely cosmetic procedures if possible.

How Can LBD Help You Achieve a Beautiful New Smile Without Breaking the Bank?

At Lake Baldwin Dental, we want to help you enjoy a better quality of life through exceptional dental care. We’re committed to making cosmetic dentistry affordable in Orlando so you can live with confidence.

However, we understand that finances can be an obstacle for many people. Dental financing can be complex, especially when it comes to cosmetic dentistry. That’s because most dental insurance policies don’t offer coverage for cosmetic procedures.

Our financial coordinators will submit claims on your behalf to ensure you can maximize your insurance benefits. We also partner with CareCredit to help you cover out of pocket expenses and build a comfortable payment plan. In some cases, we may be able to offer in-house financing to help you get the care you need.

If you’re concerned about how to pay for cosmetic dentistry, talk to us! We’ll do everything we can to connect you with solutions that make your payment process as comfortable as the rest of your care with us. Keep smiling, Orlando!