What Happens at a Dental Cleaning?

Maybe you get your teeth cleaned every six months like clockwork. Or maybe it’s been a while since you’ve had a cleaning.

Either way, understanding exactly what happens at your regular dental cleanings can help you stay motivated to keep up with check-ups.

Here’s what to expect during a routine cleaning with your dedicated team at Lake Baldwin Dental!

What Is the Main Purpose of a Regular Dental Cleaning?

It may seem obvious: the goal of a dental cleaning is to clean your teeth! But there’s a little more to it than that.

There are two main forms of buildup that can damage your oral health, and your hygienist works to completely remove both forms at every cleaning.

  1. Plaque is the sticky, gel-like buildup that grows on the teeth and soft tissues. It’s usually white, off-white, or yellow, although it can become stained and discolored.

    Plaque is made up of a combination of bacterial cells as well as a protective coating called the matrix. The longer plaque builds up, the thicker it becomes, which creates an ideal environment for more damaging species of bacteria to grow.

  2. Calculus, also known as tartar, is hardened buildup that sticks tightly to the surfaces of the teeth. It can form above the gum line and below the gums.

    When calculus grows against or below the gums, its rough texture can aggravate inflammation from bacteria, speeding up the gum disease process and even causing infections.

remove tartar dental cleaning
Hardened tartar can’t be completely removed at home. That’s what we’re here for!

While plaque can often be kept under control with good brushing and flossing habits at home, calculus can only be removed with specialized instruments. Completely removing calculus below the gum line takes professional care from an expert hygienist, which is exactly what you’ll find at Lake Baldwin Dental.

A hygienist’s focus is to maintain and monitor your gum health while helping your dentist identify developing problems like cavities or cracks.

Other than cleaning your teeth, your hygienist will also:

  • Measure your gum attachment
  • Take x-rays, scans, and photos
  • Monitor for signs of oral cancer
  • Explore any problems or discomfort you’ve been having between cleanings
  • Recommend the right products for your individual needs
  • Support your dentist in creating a treatment plan to protect your oral health

As you can see, every time you see us for a dental cleaning in Orlando, FL, you’re getting a full range of diagnostic attention and preventive care so you can enjoy a strong, healthy smile for life.

But what about improving the way your smile looks?

Will a Dental Cleaning Help My Smile Look Better?

Plaque and tartar don’t just increase your risks for gum disease and cavities. They also make your teeth look dingy. Removing them will improve the look of your smile immediately.

Your hygienist will also polish your teeth and remove stains, giving your smile a refreshed look. Our team can also get you set up with professional whitening so you can enjoy the confidence of your brightest natural smile.

It’s worth keeping in mind that gingivitis and periodontal disease also compromise your smile esthetics. Gingivitis can make your gums look puffy, red, and irritated. Uncontrolled gum inflammation can even make your teeth look smaller by comparison.

As periodontal disease progresses, it can lead to changes in your gum line and the positions of your teeth and even lead to tooth loss.

So regular cleanings are an essential part of maintaining a beautiful smile.

Even with all of these benefits, some people avoid regular dental cleanings because of the expense. But did you know that routine preventative care can actually decrease your dental care costs?

gum measurement dental cleaning
We’ll measure your gums to make sure they’re healthy and help prevent gum disease.

How Can Regular Dental Cleanings Save You Money?

Routine dental cleanings are an investment in your long-term oral health. They’re also the best way to make sure your dental care is as affordable as possible.

The earlier our team can identify developing cavities, cracks, and other issues, the better. The more time that passes without treatments like fillings or crowns, the larger and more damaging these issues will become.

In dentistry, early treatments are almost always less invasive and less expensive.

For example, an untreated cavity will grow, affecting more and more tooth structure. Over time, that may mean a larger filling. However, if there is not enough healthy tooth structure left, that filling may turn into a crown. And if the decay reaches the nerve in the middle of the tooth, you may need root canal therapy. If the tooth becomes unsalvageable, it will need to be removed, and you’ll need a replacement such as a dental bridge or dental implant.

Preventive dental care is a key part of how we can help you avoid pain and make your dental care as affordable as possible.

dental cleaning
Enjoy a beautiful, refreshed smile and lasting oral health with regular dental cleanings!

Our Hygiene Team Can Help You Enjoy Great Oral Health for Life!

Even if it’s been a while since you’ve had a dental cleaning, our team can help you get back on track. Our dental office in Baldwin Park, FL is fully equipped with the most advanced dental technology to make every visit as comfortable as possible.

If dental anxiety has kept you from seeing a dentist, talk to us! We offer sedation dentistry options to make every visit—even routine cleanings—a relaxing and pain-free experience.

You deserve a beautiful smile and strong, healthy teeth. Our talented and gentle hygienists will make sure you have one. Keep smiling, Orlando!