May Is National Dental Care Month!

National Dental Care Month is unofficial holiday is a time for oral health providers to focus on improving dental education, motivation, and support to reduce the effects of oral health problems.

Many people in the US struggle to access regular dental care. Finances, dental phobias, and time constraints are some of the biggest hurdles. But for many people, it’s a lack of understanding of just how important dental care is.

Let’s talk about why National Dental Care Month is worth celebrating!

Why Is Regular Dental Care So Important?

Dental care often gets pushed to the side and painted as a luxury. It’s not covered by medical insurance, so it must not be that important for your health, right?

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Almost half of all adults over the age of 30 in the US have periodontal disease. Left untreated, progressive gum disease can lead to loss of function, constant pain, and complete tooth loss.

Similarly, nearly  half of all children under the age of 20 have dental cavities, which can affect school performance, sleep, and nutrition.

children's dental health guide
Great dental visits make for a lifetime of healthy smiles!

Point is, healthy teeth and gums are an essential part of your overall wellbeing. Untreated oral disease can tax other body systems, such as increasing risks for heart disease, pancreatic cancer, and even arthritis. Infections from decayed or damaged teeth can travel through the blood system and become life-threatening.

Regular dental care ensures that you can eat all your favorite foods comfortably and feel confident sharing your smile with friends and loved ones. A healthy smile can even affect your career prospects by helping you speak with confidence in professional settings.

Routine visits to a family dentist near you in Orlando, FL can help you live life to the fullest with a strong, beautiful set of teeth. And National Dental Care Month is all about helping you feel motivated to get the care you need!

What’s the Best Way to Observe National Dental Care Month?

Now that we’ve seen how important dental care is, let’s look at a few ideas for how to participate in National Dental Care Month.

Brush Up on Good Home Care Habits

Consider using National Dental Care Month as motivation to make changes to your home care habits or maintain the great habits you already have.

First of all, check your toothbrush. When is the last time you replaced it? Now might be a good time!

Then, use that shiny new brush twice every day for at least two minutes each time. Be sure to brush all the way to the gum line and use gentle pressure. And don’t forget your tongue!

Floss or use a water flosser at least once every day, too. It can be helpful to floss before brushing to get it out of the way. Or try flossing in the shower or keep floss picks in your car or near your favorite chair so you can do it while you watch TV!

Talk to Kids in Your Life About Oral Health

May as well make May the month to talk to your kids about the dentist and how to take care of their teeth!

Especially if you have young children, be sure to talk about why visits to the dentist are great and try to avoid using dental care as a threat when they don’t want to brush. (For example, “If you don’t brush, you’ll get cavities and the dentist will drill your teeth!”)

If older kids have taken over their own brushing and flossing, now might be a good time to check in and make sure they’re doing a thorough job.

For teens, now might be a great time to talk about oral cancer risks like HPV, vaping, and cigarettes.

back-to-school dental tips
It’s a great time to talk to your teens about protecting their oral health!

Share Your Smile with the World

Dr. Dunn and our entire team at Lake Baldwin Dental are honored and grateful to help people take back control of their oral health and feel great about their smiles. Many of our patients have overcome severe dental phobias to get the oral healthcare they need or enjoy the life-changing effects of cosmetic dentistry in Orlando, FL.

If you’re proud of your smile, share it with the world!

You can post your pearly whites on social media and use #NationalDentalCareMonth to encourage others to take care of their oral health. Sometimes, hearing it from a friend or loved one is the best motivator to get people excited about taking care of their smiles.

Use It as a Reminder to Schedule Your Next Dental Visit

Has it been a while since you’ve had your teeth cleaned? Have you been putting off a filling or other dental treatment for a while?

Take National Dental Care Month as your reminder to schedule your family’s next dental visits!

We know you have a busy life, and it can be hard to find the time to get the care you need. We offer early morning and lunch-hour appointments to help you find a time that works for you.

If you’re trying to coordinate dental visits for several family members, let us know! As a family dental practice, we’re more than happy to see everyone in your family from young kids to elder adults. In many cases, we can even find a time to get your whole family in at once so you won’t have to make separate trips for each of your kids.

We hope National Dental Care Month will give you a reason to keep smiling, Orlando!

national dental care month
Welcome! Our team is ready to help you celebrate National Dental Care Month!