When the pandemic started about two years ago, we had high hopes that it would pass quickly. We figured a couple of months, and life would go right back to the way it was. Sadly, the virus had other plans. Even as new variants arise and we struggle with what “normal” means now, there are some routines we need to put back in place. While it may still feel scary for some patients, missing regular dental appointments because of COVID is a recipe for disaster. Here’s why.
Many Adults Are Still Missing Dental Appointments Because of COVID
In the beginning of the pandemic, health authorities decided to close dental offices for several weeks. This gave us a chance to learn more about how the virus spread and how risky the dental environment actually was. Even after we reopened, a significant portion of patients across the country cancelled or delayed their regular dental visits. Especially for older adults, the risk felt too great. It’s estimated that about half of all adults delayed dental care. That included checkups, planned treatments, and even getting attention for painful issues.
Fortunately, we have proven that our office is actually one of the safest public spaces when it comes to COVID exposure risks. Over the past years, most patients have felt comfortable returning to their regular cleaning schedule. Many have also been able to complete those planned treatments they had missed. Still, many patients have yet to return for care.
By virtue of the work we do, a dental office means people must remove their masks in our building. Even as mask mandates have largely gone the way of the dodo in other public spaces, high risk patients can still opt to keep their masks on for needed outings to the grocery store. But here in the dental office, they don’t have the option. This perceived risk means that an estimated 25% of adults over the age of 50 still have not rescheduled missed appointments, and around 10% have no plans to do so.
There Is No Need to Miss Dental Appointments to Avoid COVID
The good news is that this abundance of caution is unnecessary. To date, dental environments have never been identified as a high-risk environment for patients. In fact, your risk of exposure as a patient in a dental office is far less than in other public spaces such as stores or schools.
This is because we know what we’re doing when it comes to disease prevention. Dentists have long been leaders in safety protocols. Just as the dental industry had to adapt to the AIDS epidemic several decades ago, we were able to make needed adjustments to our safety procedures and keep our offices safe so you could avoid missing dental appointments because of COVID.
For Lake Baldwin Dental specifically, that meant installing air scrubbers in each room. Our Surgically Clean Air devices not only provide continuous circulation. They also push the air through several layers of sterilization to eliminate any contagious materials as well as other pollutants. Coupled with our already stellar procedures for disease control, our office has remained exceedingly safe so you won’t have to miss any dental appointments!
Missing Dental Appointments Compromises Your Oral Health
The first and most obvious problem with missing dental appointments because of COVID is that it puts your oral health at risk. The longer you go without a routine oral health check, the more likely it is that small, easily treated problems may be growing.
Missing Appointments May Mean More Treatment Needs
Cavities usually progress slowly over time. Keeping up with regular x-ray imaging, dental cleanings, and fluoride treatments means more opportunity to stop cavities before they start or treat them early. The longer a cavity goes untreated, the deeper it will grow into your tooth. Eventually, this can cause major damage, pain, and even tooth loss. The longer you wait to treat a cavity, the more invasive (and expensive) treatment becomes. If you’ve waited since the beginning of the pandemic, any developing cavities have had two years to grow. That’s plenty of time for decay to become a disaster!
Poor Oral Health May Mean Higher Risks to Whole Body Wellness
Likewise, your gums can suffer if you’ve missed dental cleaning appointments because of COVID. Without regular attention from your hygienist, you are much more likely to develop gum disease. Chronically inflamed gums can cause other problems in your body, including increased risks for heart disease and even worse outcomes if you do become infected with COVID!
Untreated gum disease also leads to tooth loss in the long term. Research has shown that those very same patients who have been most likely to miss dental appointments because of COVID (the over 50 crowd) are at the highest risk when it comes to periodontal disease. Damage to the bone and tissue that support the teeth can lead to tooth loss. Tooth loss, in turn, increases your risks for cognitive impairments like dementia and Alzheimer’s. So, while elder adults are most likely to have avoided the dental office during the pandemic, they are the patients with the most to lose by skipping visits.
We Can Help You Catch Up on Missed Appointments Due to COVID!
If you have been avoiding the dental office out of fear that you might be exposed to COVID, please give us a call with any questions or concerns so we can lay your fears to rest. With our enhanced safety protocols, our office is a very low risk space. Remember that the health risks of foregoing needed dental treatment are far greater than the risk of COVID exposure from visiting our practice. We are here to protect your health in all possible ways, Orlando!